[WT-support] USA zones by a single digit for CQ WW
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Fri Nov 24 05:01:15 CET 2017
By default, when Win-Test is calculating the zone from CTY_WT_MOD.DAT, or
the other country files, it always fills in two digits, including the
leading 0 (03 04 05). I have never seen Win-Test prefill just a single
digit. I suppose this may be possible if one of the computers had an old
legacy database file (cqww.dtb) that was constructed with only single
digits in it. This data may be very old and probably should not be used.
>From the Win-Test menu on both computers, do File | Explore | /databases
directory. See if you can find a file named cqww.dtb. Check the time
stamps of all the files and compare. Also, right click on the Check
Partial window and select the Used Files list. It should be master.dta or
master.scp, with a current date. If it is hf.dtb or cqww.dtb then you are
in trouble and the prefills may be way off, which will slow you down.
Finally, type CTYFILES [Enter] in the Win-Test Logging window and make sure
you are using the current version of CTY_WT_MOD.DAT (2017.11.22). If not,
a recent callsign such as JW2US will show up in the wrong country (should
be JW/b Bear Island, not Svalbard).
Bob, N6TV
On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 10:35 PM, Ville Hiilesmaa <py2zea at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just upgraded 2 computers to 4.26.0
> One computer offers the USA zone with a single digit 3,4,5
> Nice feature, just to overwrite the digit as needed (That´s what we want)
> But The second computer offers 03, 04, 05...
> how to change it to a single digit?
> 73 Ville PY2ZEA OH2MM
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