[WT-support] WT 4.24.0 released
Tonno Vahk
tonno.vahk at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 19:45:15 CET 2017
- Bugfix : Under some OS display settings, the Alt-F dialog was
truncated. Tnx HA3LN
Good to hear! That has been a real PITA!:)
-----Original Message-----
From: support-bounces at win-test.com [mailto:support-bounces at win-test.com] On
Behalf Of Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 7:45 PM
To: support at win-test.com
Subject: [WT-support] WT 4.24.0 released
Win-Test version 4.24.0 is now available for download:
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.24.0.exe [full, 14 MB]
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.24.0-update.exe [update, 6.5 MB]
As usual, use your login / password to access the download area.
Note that wtRotators has been updated to version 1.5.0 and wtDxTelnet to
version 3.5.0
Please find below the various release files.
4.24.0 (Jan 20, 2017)
- CAUTION: New network protocol version 1.30 released
Reminder: If you use WT in a networked environment, you must have
the same WT version on all machines!
- Lua API version string is 1.4.0
- Bugfix : Under some circumstances, the rotators wnd was flickering.
- NA Sprint CW/RTTY : Multipliers list updated. Tnx N6TV, N6TR.
Note : You must update your NA_CW_RTTY_SPRINT.DAT equivalence file
if you use it, to get credit for the new mults.
- To make the 3830scores.com reporting easier, the summary columns of
the mixed mode contests are reordered.
- DXPed logs (HF and VHF) : The reports entry fields ignore keys
which are not digits. Tnx DL6RAI.
- Bugfix : DXPed HF logs : The country list used is now the DXCC
one, not the "CQWW" one.
- Summary wnd (Alt-S) : Displayed bands can be selected. This
selection is in sync with the Check Callsign (F9), the Check DXCC
(Alt-M), the Check Mult (F10) and the Check Zone (Alt-Z) windows.
Reminder : It's only a display selection to save space : You can
still QSY and enter Q on the hidden bands. And all bands are taken
into account in the summary totals.
- 60m band added for the DXPed HF logs.
1/ Considering the various freq allocations depending on the
country, a minimal band plan has been implemented in the Default
band plan. You can modify it, according to your needs. Your custom
band plans (if any) must be updated as well.
2/ DXPed log files containing 60m QSO can't be read with previous
versions of Win-Test.
Tnx DL6RAI for testing.
- FT1000 : VFO-B frequency setting enabled. Tnx DL6RAI.
- Bugfix : FT1000 : When setting a split freq, the filter setting
wasn't retained. Tnx DL6RAI.
- Bugfix : Typo in a menu item. Tnx DL6RAI.
- NAQP : Mult list and various other things updated according to the
new rules. Tnx KL9A.
- Bugfix : When a callsign was grabbed, the realtime slot of the
partners windows were not updated.
- ARRL 10m contest : Following the new rules, the multiplier "DF" is
changed to "CMX". Tnx N6TV, N5KO.
- Bugfix : Cabrillo : The alternate frequency option wasn't working
for multi-ops logs.
- Lua : wtQso:GetData API : Gridsquare added in the table returned.
Tnx N6TV.
- If a station type is sticked, its type is checked against the rules
of a newly created contest file, and can be forced to the default
Run type if needed. Tnx N6KI and N6TV.
- Bugfix : Under some OS display settings, the Alt-F dialog was
truncated. Tnx HA3LN.
- Bugfix : After editing logged QSO, the Alt-J QSY timers were not
always accurate.
1.5.0 (Jan 20, 2017)
- 60 m band added.
- K3NG controllers added (similar to GS232a/b at 9600 bauds).
- Bugfix : Under some circumstances, the COM ports combo box was
displaying COM0 ports.
3.5.0 (Jan 20, 2017))
- The socket error message dialog now auto-closes after 5 sec. If the
appropriate option is checked in the settings, the connection is
retried after 30 seconds.
Larry - F6FVY
Remember Jan. 7 2015 - #JeSuisCharlie
Remember Nov. 13 2015 - #JeSuisParis
Remember July 14 2016 - #JeSuisNice
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