[WT-support] cty_wt_mod.dat does not update
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Feb 16 20:12:01 CET 2017
On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 6:57 AM, Guy Lemieux <guy at guylemieux.com> wrote:
> I am using V2.24.0 and while preparing for ARRL DX CW, I updated the
> country files using the Options-Datafiles-Cty files routine. The right date
> is indicated in the window. When I tried the changes contained in AD1C list
> below, the changes were not recognized.
> The files under Program Data in Drive C were not updated. I then copied
> the cty_wt.dat and the cty_wt.mod.dat dated Feb 14 from Jim's site directly
> into the folder. However, did not find the cty.dat in the Zip file.
First, the only file you should select is cty_wt_mod.dat (cty_wt.mod.dat is
a typo I guess)
> I also copied the latest Super partial check MASTER.DTA and MASTERDX.DTA
> files into the Database folder but to no avail.
> What am I doing wrong?
You forgot to change the Properties of the Win-Test shortcut to "Run as an
administrator," which means Win-Test will download all those files to the
wrong place.
To fix this:
1. *Right click* on the Win-Test shortcut (icon)
2. From the pop-up menu, select *Properties*
3. Select the *Compatibility* tab
4. Check the box next to *Run this program as and administrator*
5. Click *Apply*
6. Click *OK*
7. Restart Win-Test and update the files again.
See also why it is required:
I also suggest using my simple batch file to download and update all
country and super check files automatically with one command. You can find
it under https://bit.ly/wtscripts as UpdateCtySCP.zip. Follow the
instructions in the Readme file carefully and it will work like a champ.
Bob, N6TV
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