[WT-support] WT 4.23.0 released
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Oct 21 18:45:54 CEST 2016
Win-Test version 4.23.0 is now available for download:
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.23.0.exe [full, 14 MB]
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.23.0-update.exe [update, 6.1 MB]
As usual, use your login / password to access the download area.
4.23.0 (Oct 21, 2016)
- Split Freq dlg : Now accepts offsets from the current frequency.
Ex : If your freq is 7020 and you enter +1.1, the split freq
will be adjusted to 7021.1. Negative values (-1.1 for ex.) also work.
- UK/EI DX contest added. Tnx SQ8N.
- Bugfix : WAG DX side : The NM exchange (Non Member) was considered
as a N multiplier.
- Bugfix : Alt-F4 : The the CAT activity has now decreased , and the
function was broken for mixed-mode logs. Tnx N6TV.
- Bugfix : Entering any text command in Secondary Radio Window moved
it to the wrong band. Tnx N6TV. (Task #370/373)
- Secondary Radio wnd : Columns headings added. The color can be
adjusted with the Colors (contextual) menu. Tnx N6TV.
- Radios : FT891, FTDX1200, FTDX3000 and FTDX5000 added. Tnx N6TV.
- Bugfix : WAE : Under some circumstances, the log and QTC backup
files were corrupted. Tnx F5LIW.
- Bugfix : VHF+ contests : When a gridsquare of a logged QSO was
modified, the points weren't correctly computed on the other
networked computers, leading to a score difference between them.
- Bugfix : Under some circumstances of simultaneous log openings on
different machines in a network, Win-Test could crash.
Tnx W9PA @ K3LR.
- WAE Phone : DX side : The INS and CR keys and buttons are now
enabled in the transmit QTC dialog. The CR button tags the current
QTC as sent. The INS button does the same, and makes the next QTC
as the current one. It clearly makes the QTC transmission much
easier to follow. Tnx F1HAR.
Larry - F6FVY
Remember Jan. 7 2015 - #JeSuisCharlie
Remember Nov. 13 2015 - #JeSuisParis
Remember July 14 2016 - #JeSuisNice
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