[WT-support] Serial communication log available?
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Mar 8 17:43:46 CET 2016
Speculation: perhaps Win-Test is initially testing the radio's virtual
serial port by opening it a a very slow baud rate, like 1200 baud, a rate
that is not supported by the emulator. Win-Test recently corrected a
similar issue with an FT-991 virtual serial port used for CW and PTT, where
the device type was set to "Other device." The baud rate was too slow and
the port couldn't be opened.
Furthermore, when using the new K3S with a USB cable and the built-in
Silicon Labs serial port emulation, I've noticed upon starting Win-Test
that it often returns a pop-up message "Could not open Radio 1 on COM10,
retry?" The retry always succeeds and there are no problems after that.
I'm wondering if this indicates that something is wrong with the very first
attempt that Win-Test makes to open a K3 serial port, one that only affects
virtual serial ports supported via USB, but not legacy (hardware) serial
Bob, N6TV
On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 8:01 AM, Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net> wrote:
> One thing that is different about Win-Test is that in the default "AUTO"
> mode, it attempts to poll the serial port as fast as possible (so it polls
> at a variable rate). You can change the polling rate to a fixed value
> under Options | Interface configuration.
> You also have the option to control the K3 via OmniRig
> <http://dxatlas.com/omnirig> instead of by the built in Win-Test rig
> control support. This uses a completely different code path, and it polls
> the radio at a fixed rate of 500 ms. Just change the radio type from
> Elecraft K3 to OmniRig.
> Does the remoteRig box require the RTS and DTR pins to be kept "high" to
> provide voltage to the device, like some USB-to-Serial adapters? You can
> change these to "Always ON" if required.
> Does this only happen with the Elecraft K3, or all radios? I note that in
> the original K3, you could connect PC serial port through a P3 with the P3
> daisy-chained to the K3. That no longer works when using a K3S and USB
> serial port.
> K3 serial port timing seems to be very critical.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 6:32 AM, Laurent HAAS - F6FVY <f6fvy at free.fr>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jan
>> Le 08/03/2016 10:18, Jan R Andersson a écrit :
>> So I am wondering if there is some kind of serial
>>> communication log available in Win-Test that could help understand this?
>>> Or some other log file which might contain clues as to why this happens?
>> Create a [Debug] section in the wt.ini file, and a key following this
>> syntax :
>> [Debug]
>> COMxx=a
>> or
>> COMxx=h
>> a = ASCII / h = Hex and xx is obviously the COM port number.
>> A "debug log" will be written in the /cfg directory.
>> Regarding your specific issue, as it is working with "legacy" serial, but
>> not with USB, I'm wondering if it could come from some handshake settings
>> that could block the stream somewhere.
>> Hope this helps.
>> 73
>> Larry - F6FVY
>> --
>> Remember Jan. 7 2015 - #JeSuisCharlie
>> Remember Nov. 13 2015 - #JeSuisParis
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