[WT-support] issues with vhf.dtb

DK5KMA dk5kma at darc.de
Mon Jul 25 15:30:17 CEST 2016

Hello everybody,
when replacing my very old vhf.dtb with a new one from mmmonvhf.de, I 
saw that callsigns being inside the databasefile don't show up in the 
check partial window (like my own call). Any ideas why this happens? 
Should every call in this dtb show up or are there some limitations, 
like no activity in 2 years, hi?
I tried 4.16 and 4.20 with the same results.
The information window shows it's using the new vhf.dtb with the correct 

Second issue: When trying 4.21 I recognized that on every vhf-test I 
checked, hf.dtb but vhf.dtb is being used. Bug? I could reproduce the 
error with upgrade from 4.16 to 4.21 and with a fresh installation of 4.21.

Tnx in advance,
73 de DK5KMA, Kevin

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