[WT-support] LX8HQ not counted as a multiplier
5p1b at oz1jux.dk
Tue Jul 12 20:40:59 CEST 2016
I try it on my computer at home
It counter ok. Could find RL.
Hope that the .XDT is selected and the ITU.DTB and the MASTER.SCP also are
I try on the computer I should setup to the contest the I forgot the ITU.DTB
then it had problems with some calls.
Kim 5P1B
1. Re: LX8HQ not counted as a multiplier (Laurent HAAS - F6FVY)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 15:08:10 +0200
From: Laurent HAAS - F6FVY <f6fvy at free.fr>
To: support at win-test.com
Subject: Re: [WT-support] LX8HQ not counted as a multiplier
Message-ID: <8d3e2e24-1b6f-95ab-1101-f57f605f29b5 at free.fr>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Hi Win, Alain et al.
Le 11/07/2016 ? 01:20, Win Kriegl DK9IP/KH7CD a ?crit :
> it happens if the HQ exchange is only 2 letters (RL). If it?s 3
> letters it is counted OK.
Definitely a bug. Very sorry about that.
> As a workaround you can type 3 letters for the exchange to get a
> correct score. Then edit the cabrillo file back to "RL" for LX8HQ
A bugfix will be included in the next dev version.
Let me few days to recover from this past week-end ;-)
Larry - F6FVY
Remember Jan. 7 2015 - #JeSuisCharlie
Remember Nov. 13 2015 - #JeSuisParis
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