[WT-support] Estrange tunnel problem
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Jul 7 00:45:17 CEST 2016
Things to check:
1. Are you running wt-hq.exe version 4.21 or wt.exe? Install the same
version on all computers
2. Are you running wt-tunnel version 1.14.1, on only one computer in
each LAN?
3. Did you right click and select "Run as Administrator" when you ran
the install program (wt-4.21.0-HQ.exe
<http://www.win-test.com/hq05/download/wt-4.21.0-HQ.exe>)? If not,
close Win-Test and reinstall.
4. After install, did you go back and modify the shortcut Properties,
under the Compatiblity tab, and check "Run this program as an
5. In WT-HQ, Select Options | Configure Interfaces
6. Under Network Protocol, click [Advanced Settings] button
7. Click the [Default] button
8. On one and only one computer on each LAN, check the box "This station
is a WAN bridgehead".
9. Click [OK]
10. Click [OK] again
11. Exit and restart Win-Test
If you do all of the above and it still doesn't work, reboot the computers
and try again.
Bob, N6TV
On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Fernando Cordoba <py2led at fuertesind.com.br>
> Hello Ricardo, Buenas noches!
> In our case, one of stations can't access the existing log. Also if we
> leave the network and log with a new operator, but same contest etc, the
> log don't sync too.
> Similar problem and should be related to configuration.
> 73's
> Fernando Fernandez Cordoba | PY2LED | PX2B
> São Caetano do Sul | SP | Brasil
> Alto da Serra Contest Station | GG66RJ
> py2led at fuertesind.com.br
> Em 6 de jul de 2016, às 17:49, Ricardo Navarrete <ricardoea4zk at gmail.com>
> escreveu:
> Hello All,
> We are trying to connect a computer through the WT-TUnnel to the rest of
> locations, but we are experiencing a problem only with one computer.
> Well he has configured WT Tunel, Wt ( bridgehead activated) same contest,
> no Firewalls ( apparently ) router working, well, etc..
> The computer is connected to the tunnel, he can see all the stations and
> receive gaps, but we can't see his station on the network!!! He send gaps
> but nothing happens , he can't sync the log..... Any thought or help
> please?? It is really fustrating.....
> Thanks
> --
> EA4ZK Ricardo Navarrete
> ricardoea4zk at gmail.com
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