[WT-support] [FCG] IARU HF Championship
Fred Ockert
dl5ym1 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 08:51:58 CEST 2016
Joe OZ0J / 5Q2T schrieb:
> Correction
> W1AW will be W1AW/9 in 2016 according to K9CT
> 73 Joe, OZ0J
>> Den 1. juli 2016 klokken 03:47 skrev George <georgek5kg at aol.com>:
>> Here are a few additional comments about the IARU HF World Championship.
>> W1AW will be W1AW/5 in this year's contest.
>> Z60A will be a HQ station this year for the first time. Ops are OH2BH
>> and friends.
>> In addition to J77HQ that our team is activating, the team in J8 will be
>> activating J87HQ. Be sure to not confuse these two call signs. Beware
>> of bad spots on the cluster.
>> For those of you who use WinTest, N6TV recommends that you upgrade to
>> version 4.21.0 for the following reasons:
>> 1.) Your HQ multipliers will now be counted correctly (for the first
>> time), even the ones using the same HQ abbreviation, e.g. both ER7HQ and
>> XX9A send "ARM", but they are different HQ multipliers. 4.20 does not
>> handle that correctly.
>> 2.) Log sync between computers will be faster (every computer on the LAN
>> needs to be running WT 4.21)
>> 3.) If you are using Windows 10 with certain USB-to-Serial adapters for
>> rig control, 4.21 will work better
>> 4.) If you accidentally press Ctrl-T, then get distracted, your radio
>> won't stay keyed forever any more
>> Update all the Super Check Partial and Check Country files, and make
>> sure you are using cty_wt_mod.dat on every computer. N6TV's batch file
>> automates the process of fetching the latest super check partial and
>> country files. Go to http://bit.ly/wtscripts, download UpdateCtySCP.zip,
>> and follow the directions in the Readme file. You also need a free 3rd
>> party program called WGET, which is documented in the Readme file.
>> Separately, the current IARU HQ prefill list (itu.dtb) is in
>> http://www.kkn.net/~n6tv/itu.zip and will be updated as N6TV receives
>> more info from OZ0J. Unzip the file and copy itu.dtb to your /databases
>> folder and HQ abbreviations will be entered automatically (make sure
>> Tools -> Data Entry -> Exchange Guessing is enabled).
>> The three laptops that we are taking to J7 have WT upgraded to 4.21.0.
>> In addition, I will have installed the UpdateCtySCP script, and the
>> itu.dtb file for the HQ multiplier stations. Next week, before the
>> contest begins, I will be sure to download to each laptop the latest
>> itu.dtb file of HQ stations.
>> All of the above can be followed on the WT reflector: support at win-test.com
>> If you have any question about this WT stuff, please contact me.
>> 73, George, K5KG / J75KG / J77HQ
>> On 6/30/2016 8:02 PM, Chris Plumblee wrote:
>>> It's a bit early for my normal activity emails; the IARU HF Championship is
>>> not this weekend, but begins at 1200z on July 9 (8:00 Eastern on July 9;
>>> next Saturday) and runs 24 hours. However, it's been a while since a major
>>> DX contest, and I'm enthusiastically anticipating the contest this year,
>>> even in declining conditions.
>>> Modes are CW and SSB. Exchange is RS(T) and IARU zone. National societies
>>> (such as the ARRL, RAC, RSGB, and others) activate multi-multi stations
>>> within their countries. Many national societies that don't have historical
>>> callsigns (like W1AW) use "HQ" for their suffixes, so keep an ear tuned for
>>> the elusive extra multipliers, as some will call you.
>>> So, with the commercial out of the way, planned FCG activity:
>>> N6AR - SOHP(A) CW
>>> WX4G - SOHP(A) Mixed
>>> AD4Z - SO?P Mixed (@ W4UH)
>>> NP2X - SO?P Mixed (K9VV)
>>> KE1F - SOHP CW
>>> KN4Y - SOLP CW
>>> NN4X - SOHP(A) CW
>>> N2AN - SOLP CW (WC4E/1 beating us all to Europe with 40' high dipoles in
>>> Mass)
>>> NF4A - SOMixed(A) HP
>>> N4EK - SOLP CW
>>> N4UU - SOHP CW
>>> WW4B - SOHP(A) CW
>>> N4BP - SOHP(A) CW
>>> N8PR - SOHP(A) Mixed
>>> N4WW - SOHP CW (WF3C, opr)
>>> N4KM - SOLP CW
>>> J77HQ - DARCI (K5KG, WI9WI, W4IX)
>>> E2HQ - RAST (K4VUD, numerous Thai hams)
>>> The last two are headquarters stations. Their exchange is their HQ
>>> abbreviation rather than a zone. W1AW sends ARRL, NU1AW sends IARU, GB5HQ
>>> sends RSGB, TM0HQ sends REF, and so on. There are profile files for N1MM+
>>> and Win-Test that pre-fill national societies based on callsign, which can
>>> be very helpful when you work E70HQ and he sends you "5NN ARABH" at 54wpm.
>>> Good luck, and please send additional activations to me via email so I can
>>> add them to the list.
>>> 73,
>>> Chris WF3C
>> --
>> George Wagner, K5KG
>> Sarasota, FL
>> 941-400-1960
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