[WT-support] WT 4.20.0 released
Adi S55M
s55m at siol.com
Mon Feb 22 14:07:39 CET 2016
Had same problem during arrl this weekend with ft1000mark V....
So it should not be related to FW...or???
PC-USB to serial Prolific-FT1KMV
Maybe it is problem of USB-serial converter......
From: support-bounces at win-test.com [mailto:support-bounces at win-test.com] On Behalf Of Bob Wilson, N6TV
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2016 10:34 AM
To: Win-Test Reflector
Subject: Re: [WT-support] WT 4.20.0 released
You must upgrade Icom IC-7800 firmware as explained in Release.txt for v 4.20. Then you will see VFO B in Win-Test.
Bob, N6TV
On Feb 20, 2016 1:22 AM, "Mirko Holte" <dj1aa at web.de> wrote:
Hello all,
since yesterday I upgraded my WT from 4.19.0 to 4.20.0 and now I have a problem with the serial communication.
Only in 1 direction the transceiver controll is working. If I chance the frequency on the VFO, WT do not get this information.
I f I choose a call in the bandmap and click, the transceiver change the frequency. Also Band UP and DOWN commands
from WinTest to the TRX is working but no feedback from Transceiver back to Wintest.
I want to start in the ARRL contest this night, but I did not found the configuration problem. Double check with my logprogram
HAM-Office works fine, no problem here. So I decided to try a WT fallback to 4.19.0 and what a surprice, now all is OK again
but I lost 1,5 hours and the DX conditions to US are very bad I believe. All signals very low here in DL on a big optibeam.
My station: ICOM IC7800, Microham MK2R+, Wintest 4.20.0 since yesterday (with problems)
After downgrade back to version 4.19.0 the communication problem is away.
Any suggestions regarding the WT problem version wt4.20.0 ?
Thanks Mirko, DJ1AA
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2016 4:57 PM
To: support at win-test.com
Subject: [WT-support] WT 4.20.0 released
Win-Test version 4.20.0 is now available for download:
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.20.0.exe [full, 14 MB]
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.20.0-update.exe [update, 6.5 MB]
As usual, use your login / password to access the download area.
4.20.0 (Jan. 17, 2016)
- Radios : IC-7600, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 : New code for a better
management of these radios. It requires the latest firmwares.
Tnx N6TV, K3LR, K9LA (Icom America), ICOM France, HRO Sunnyvale (CA),
AA6W and K6SSJ.
- Radios : FT-991 added. Tnx N6TV, SP5IOU.
- Radio Wnd : New option to enable / disable the RIT display, when
applicable. Tnx F5LIW, K3LR.
- Bugfix : ARRL 10m : Tools / Check Bad Exchanges was broken.
- PACC contest : Rules 2016. Dutch provinces (for non-PA) and DXCC and
call areas (for PA) now count as mult per band and per mode when
taking part in Mixed category. Tnx PA5M.
- French Championship : Rules 2016 applied. Tnx F5LEN.
- Radio Wnd : Ctrl-Up / Ctrl-Down in the list view doesn't lose cursor
when a Q is entered. Tnx K5KG. (Task #364).
- Bugfix : Under some circumstances, the default contest log names
were broken.
- LZ DX Contest : New rules 2015 for LZ stations applied. The only
limitation is the 10-min rule for the M/S station, which is always
applied for band *or mode* change, independently of the status of
the station (RUN or MULT). Tnx LZ2CJ.
- ARRL SS : Default CW msgs updated. Tnx W2GD, N6TV.
- ARRL SS : Added new message variable $PREC (precedence) for the ARRL
Sweepstakes, automatically determined from entry class and power
level. Tnx N6TV.
- Bugfix : ARRL SS : Correct label for the sections field.
- Log check reports : QSO with own callsign are now ignored.
Tnx FY5KE.
- Status wnd (Alt-J) : X-min rule timers now ignore QSO with own
callsign. Tnx FY5KE.
- Check country wnd (F10) : QSO with own callsign are now ignored.
Tnx FY5KE.
Larry - F6FVY
Remember Jan. 7 2015 - #JeSuisCharlie
Remember Nov. 13 2015 - #JeSuisParis
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