[WT-support] Support Digest, Vol 146, Issue 1
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Wed Dec 7 18:56:10 CET 2016
On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 7:53 AM, Dominic Baines <dombaines at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get winkey lite http://www.hamcrafters2.com/WK
> lite.html (not the win-key USB http://www.hamcrafters2.com/WKUSBX.html )
> working with win-test for cw?
> I have both and both work stand alone fine but try as I might I cannot
> seem to get the lite version working with win-test.
1. Only one WinKey can be connected at a time
2. Connect the USB cable of the WKUSB LITE to your PC
3. Wait for Windows to find the FTDI device driver and assign a virtual
COM port number to the WKUSB Lite
4. If you didn't see the message with the assigned COM port number, open
Windows Device Manager (Start, Run, *devmgmt.msc*), expand *Ports*, and
find the WinKey port. If the assigned port number is *COM13* or higher,
you'll have to change it to *COM12* or lower, as follows:
1. Right Click on the port
2. From the pop-up, select *Properties*
3. Select the *Port Settings* tab
4. Click *[Advanced]*
5. Change the selected COM port number and click *[OK]* (twice)
5. Start Win-Test
6. Type *SETUP* [Enter] in the logging window
7. Put a check mark next to the COM port and select WinKey from the
drop-down list
8. Click *[Configure...]*
9. Click *[Winkey Default Settings]* (1200,N,8,2 DTR=Handshake,
10. Click *[OK]* twice
11. Type *WKSETUP* [Enter] in the logging window
12. Enable *Short spaces (CT Spaces)*
13. Change *PTT lead* and *Tail* to *0 ms*
14. Check *Enable Winkey Version 2 Additional Features*
15. Set PTT Tail Control to *Fixed Tail*
16. Set CW Message and Paddle Speeds to *Synchronized*
17. Speed settings to *Only by the Win-Test Commands (AltV/F9/10)*
18. Click *[OK]*
Win-Test should now send CW through your WKUSB LITE.
If you still can't get it to work, send me screen shots of your Windows
Device Manager and all of the dialogs displayed above, or send my your
WT.INI file and your log file (.WT4 file).
Bob, N6TV
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