[WT-support] Driver
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Wed Nov 25 18:16:55 CET 2015
I assume the error message is actually "DLPORTIO.SYS device driver not
Are you trying to use an LPT port (legacy parallel port) for CW or PTT or
any other function? If not, uncheck the LPT box in the top right corner of
the Win-Test Options | Configure Interfaces dialog.
If you want to use the LPT port, it depends on your operating system. For
32-bit Windows, run Port95NT.exe to install the driver (download from
http://download.win-test.com/). For 64-bit Windows, see
for step-by-step instructions posted by W9PA (ex-W9ZRX).
Bob, N6TV
On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 8:31 AM, Billy McFarland <gm0obx at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Every time I start wintest I get an error message of:
> DriverLINX PortI/O Driver
> DLPORTaiO.SYS device driver not loaded Port I/O will have no effect.
> Anyone got any ideas what's wrong?
> Thanks
> Billy
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