[WT-support] wrong ODX in IARU-CW Logfile

Wolfgang Schwarz ws at dk9vz.com
Tue Nov 17 07:06:11 CET 2015

Hello Bob,

I´m sorry for the too short info
I meant the "IARU Region 1 VHF CW Contest" one week ago. It´s also called
the Marconi memorial contest on 144 MHz.

We were using WT 4.19 on Windows 7 and the WT template "IARU VHF CW"

While working the contest the rate window shows the QSO with the longest
distance (ODX) as every km distance counts one point on VHF.

This ODX is also mentioned in the EDI logfile. WT 4.19 shows in the rate 
as well as in the EDI logfile a wrong ODX.

Our ODX was UR7DWW in KN18EO with 1067 km. The QSO before UR7DWW
was OK1MWW and this QSO was written as ODX (only 615 km) in the

There seems to be a bug finding the right QSO in the log as ODX but 
catching than
one QSO before (QSO Nr 405 instead of 406 in our case)...

Entry in the EDI-Log
instead of

/*73 de*/
/*Wolfgang DK9VZ*/
ws at dk9vz.com <mailto:ws at dk9vz.com>

Am 17.11.2015 um 04:50 schrieb Bob Wilson, N6TV:
> I'm sorry Wolfgang, but I do not understand.  What do you mean by 
> "Rate-Sheet"?  What do you mean by "ODX", the OK/OM DX Contest?  
> Oceania DX Contest?  What version of Win-Test are you using?
> Can you please explain it a different way, step-by-step, what is wrong?
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 12:45 AM, Wolfgang Schwarz <ws at dk9vz.com 
> <mailto:ws at dk9vz.com>> wrote:
>     Hi
>     we worked UR7DWW as ODX with 1.067km
>     In the QSO before OK1MWW was worked (615 km).
>     Sometimes WT showed OK1MWW as ODX in the Rate-Sheet
>     instead of UR7DWW and OK1MWW was also entered
>     into the EDI-File as ODX.
>     CODXC=OK1MWW;JN89EX;615
>     instead of
>     CODXC=UR7DWW;KN18EO;1067
>     -- 
>     /*73 de*/
>     /*Wolfgang DK9VZ*/
>     ws at dk9vz.com <mailto:ws at dk9vz.com>
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