[WT-support] Win test and LOTW dramas
Joe - OZ0J
contest at oz0j.dk
Fri May 15 06:28:56 CEST 2015
Hi all
I have created an empty log without connection to any radio via CAT etc. I
have chosen DXpedion (HF+50 MHz) and typed in some QSO's manually.
All QSO's in the ADIF file come up with <BAND:3>20m <FREQ:6>14.000 or
<BAND:3>15m <FREQ:6>21.000 for the modes SSB, CW and RTTY.
If you in WRITELOG choose "Txt" (text file) then you have 14000.0 SSB
without the period in the frequency.
I have tested this with Win-Test V 4.16 and Windows 8.1 and never seen the
problem. Also not on earlier version of Windows and/or Win-Test.
To GM0OBX and DK2GZ:
- what did you chose in Win-Test when starting the program (e.g. contest
name, DXpedediion etc.)?
- what mode did you choose?
- do you have a radio connected ti Win-Test? If you which one?
Vy 73 de OZ0J, Joe
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: support-bounces at f5mzn.org [mailto:support-bounces at f5mzn.org] På vegne
af John A. Ross [GM1BSG]
Sendt: 12. maj 2015 22:33
Til: support at win-test.com
Emne: Re: [WT-support] Win test and LOTW dramas
I have never seen the issue Billy describes and it is me that uploads the
contest dumps from WT for the local club here to Clublog, lotw etc and never
a problem (except bad log calls).
<QSO_DATE:8>20140720 <TIME_ON:6>230248 <MODE:3>SSB <BAND:3>20m
<FREQ:6>14.265 <RST_SENT:2>59 <RST_RCVD:2>59 <TX_PWR:3>400 <EOR>
That was from 4.13, Billy will be using 4.16 as he only just registered it
after using it at the club so much in contest.
I just tried a new DXP mode log in 4.16 and for me its fine, so I have no
idea what Billy has done but
<MODE:2>CW <BAND:3>20m <FREQ:6>14.055 <RST_SENT:3>599 <RST_RCVD:3>599 <EOR>
<MODE:2>CW <BAND:3>40m <FREQ:5>7.046 <RST_SENT:3>599 <RST_RCVD:3>599 <EOR>
<MODE:3>SSB <BAND:4>160m <FREQ:5>1.840 <RST_SENT:2>59 <RST_RCVD:2>59 <EOR>
<MODE:3>SSB <BAND:3>80m <FREQ:5>3.775 <RST_SENT:2>59 <RST_RCVD:2>59 <EOR>
But if it can be broken, I am sure Billy can do it :-D
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laurent HAAS - F6FVY [mailto:f6fvy at free.fr]
> Sent: 12 May 2015 19:24
> To: support at f5mzn.org
> Subject: Re: [WT-support] Win test and LOTW dramas
> Hi
> Le 12/05/2015 19:36, John A. Ross [GM1BSG] a écrit :
> > Never had an issue from WT ADIF to LoTW with bandplans either
> > default or setup.
> The ADIF code hasn't changed for years, and I cfm the freq is output as :
> <FREQ:6>14.038 (for example) which is compatible with LoTW.
> So, the question now is how Billy's log can write the freq as "14000"
> instead of "14.000".
> What gives an Alt-F on a QSO which is refused by LoTW ? Is the freq
> (should be 14000.0 or 7000.0 etc. - it's expressed in kHz) ?
> And BTW, what Win-Test version are you using ?
> 73
> Larry - F6FVY
> --
> Remember Jan. 7 2015 - #JeSuisCharlie
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