[WT-support] operator log in in multi op
Tonno Vahk
tonno.vahk at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 21:59:12 CEST 2015
Oh yes, we are of course using the nicknames. Actually I use just the two last letters of the call for nicknames. So logging in is very easy. TV+ENTER. They just forgot to do itJ
But it is a very smart hint that this nickname can be sent as a remot command! Thanks for that reminder!
Even more thus it would be neat to have the op shown in the Status window…
Keycards, fingeprints, face recognition…rightJ
From: rawilson at gmail.com [mailto:rawilson at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Bob Wilson, N6TV
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 7:48 PM
To: Win-Test Reflector; Tõnno Vähk, ES5TV
Subject: Re: [WT-support] operator log in in multi op
On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 6:57 AM, Tonno Vahk <tonno.vahk at gmail.com> wrote:
One simple suggestion. Is it possible to add the field of Operator to the Status window next to the station name, frequency, etc?
I agree that it would be nice to see it in the Status window, next to each station name. The operator call on the local computer is only displayed in the Win-Test title bar.
But, it's worth reviewing the old release notes (see below). I had completely overlooked the very convenient feature that turns the operator's name (or "Nickname") into a text command shortcut. This means you do not have to type OPON to switch ops. Just type "Tonno" [Enter], "Bob" [Enter], etc. to Switch ops.
To add to the wish above would be remote ability to correct logged in operator. Preferably straight from the Status window from the right click menu. Would it be doable?
If you add the operator nickname to every callsign, you can use the REMOTE command to send the "Tonno" command on another computer, which will switch the current op. on that computer.
Any other good ideas how to remind the log in to the ops (tried the big red stickers on the monitors with not much help)?
Maybe put a webcam at every operator position so you can see who is sitting in the chair? :-)
Then some day add fancy face recognition software, hook into the Win-Test network, and the logged in operator will change automatically as soon as they sit down. :-)
Bob, N6TV
--- Release Notes ---
3.19.0 (Jan 22, 2008)
- Basic Operators management
Foreword : This feature is very limited, and will *not* be further
extended in this major version of Win-Test (v3). It is mainly added
to help DXPeditioners for the web log search scripts, and for
various DX or contesters challenges (RRDXA etc.)
New text commands : OPON (or LOGIN), OPOFF (or LOGOUT).
This feature is only available to multi-op logs.
If you entered a list of operators in the contest settings dialog
when creating the log, it will be parsed to init the combo-box. You
can also add ops "on the fly" to this combo box.
If you add nicknames to ops of this list (joe, jack, william,
averell, josette or whatever - letters and numbers are accepted,
allowing exotic nicks like l33t etc.), you can enter them as text
commands to quickly change operator, without using the OPON command.
Op. callsigns are limited to 7 chars, while nicks are limited
to 13 chars.
The operator changing is propagated across the network, meaning
that if you login on a station, you will be automagically logged
out of the previous one you were logged on (if any).
The ADIF file export includes the op callsign in the QSO record, if
an op. has been defined for that QSO.
The text and CSV export files are also enhanced to allow the
inclusion the op. callsign.
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