[WT-support] Win test IOTA contest
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Jul 3 11:36:07 CEST 2015
Hi Billy
Le 03/07/2015 07:17, billy McFarland a écrit :
> The question is this: Is there an option / button that can be used to
> either automatically enter generic IOTA references for the call example
> G3AAA as EU-005 or an option which allows the QSO to be logged without
> an IOTA reference.
To get EU005 by default for G, GM and GW stations, download and install
http://download.win-test.com/files/country/CTY_IOTA.DAT in the
countryFiles directory (the same where CTY.DAT stands).
Ensure also that you have a IOTA.DAT file in the same directory. If not,
you can find it here http://download.win-test.com/files/country/IOTA.DAT
As usual, you must pay attention to the IOTA ref sent, as several
G/GM/GW etc stations are not on EU005, but take some vacations on other
islands ;-)
Larry - F6FVY
Remember Jan. 7 2015 - #JeSuisCharlie
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