[WT-support] TS590SG
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Wed Jan 21 00:31:29 CET 2015
There's nothing special about keying a TS-590SG, right? It has a key jack,
and it doesn't have a serial port with a built-in DTR pin keying circuit
like the K3.
So, just build or buy one of the COM port or LPT port keying circuits
described in the Wiki:
Here's a commercial device:
If you need an extra USB-to-Serial adapter, because your computer has no
serial or parallel port, I recommend a GearMo device such as this one
it uses an FTDI chip. Please try to avoid USB-to-Serial adapters based on
the Prolific chip. They often cause many headaches.
You could also use a WinKey device instead of a COM or LPT keying circuit.
These are built-in to most microHAM interface boxes, or you could buy this
If you were hoping to just using CAT commands to send all the CW, with no
extra hardware needed, that is not supported.
Bob, N6TV
On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 8:12 AM, andyphewitt <andyphewitt at btopenworld.com>
> Is there anyone on here who is using a TS590SG?
> I purchased one just before Christmas and I am still playing around and
> trying to get it set up. Mainly outstanding is getting it to TX cw from the
> keyboard or the macros in Wintest, or any other logging program for that
> matter.
> Any advice will be appreciated.
> 73
> Andy G3SVD
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