[WT-support] Station Type not changable in ARI! (Tonno Vahk)

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Apr 30 19:43:09 CEST 2015


Le 30/04/2015 13:21, Tonno Vahk a écrit :

> Can this also be fixed so that for RUN and MULT both the 10 minute
> counter is reset by any band OR MODE change?

Check build #620.

I won't be available the next three days, so don't expect any more 
updates, and in case of problem, rollback to the previous build.

BTW, if Roberto I2WIJ is reading this post, the rules state :

> d) Multi-Operator stations must adhere to the 10 minutes rule (both runner and multiplier station). Only one band and one mode can be used within a 10 minutes period, while another band and mode can be used only to work a new multiplier.

I guess the rules should read :

d) Multi-Operator stations must adhere to the 10 minutes rule (both 
runner and multiplier station). Only one band and one mode can be used 
within a 10 minutes period, while another band **OR** mode can be used 
only to work a new multiplier.

Finally, I didn't modify the Cabrillo output to not risk any 
incompatibility with the current adjudication robot software. A clear 
description of the Cabrillo format used for the QSO: lines (especially 
in M/S) in the rules would be appreciated.


Larry - F6FVY

Remember Jan. 7 2015 - #JeSuisCharlie

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