[WT-support] Caution: latest Windows Update breaks fake "FTDI" USB-to-Ser...
Georgek5kg at aol.com
Georgek5kg at aol.com
Thu Oct 23 15:26:53 CEST 2014
Hello Al,
I will be looking for you from TO5A. GL.
73, George, K5KG
George Wagner, K5KG
Sarasota, FL
941-400-1960 cell
In a message dated 10/22/2014 6:10:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
f5vhj at orange.fr writes:
Glad you are always a source of help.
If you turn on a radio this weekend, try to find me at TO5A and say hello.
73, Al
------ Original Message ------
From: "Bob Wilson, N6TV" <_n6tv at arrl.net_ (mailto:n6tv at arrl.net) >
To: "Win-Test Reflector" <_support at win-test.com_
(mailto:support at win-test.com) >
Sent: 22/10/2014 21:41:50
Subject: [WT-support] Caution: latest Windows Update breaks fake "FTDI"
USB-to-Serial adapters
I have not experienced this myself. I don't know anyone personally who
has seen this yet.
Reports indicate that the latest Windows Update will permanently damage a
USB-to-Serial adapter if it is found to be using a "fake" or "cloned" FTDI
chip instead of a genuine FTDI chip.
This applies to Windows 7 and later. You can read more about it there:
Recommendation: if you use a USB-to-Serial adapter based on the FTDI
chipset, avoid any Windows Updates until after contest season, or use Windows
XP instead of Windows 7 or 8.
If you use an adapter based on Prolific, you may have other problems. I
believe there are far more fake Prolific adapters than fake FTDI adapters.
These fake Prolific adapters often cause a random "Blue Screen of Death,"
or they work for a little while then mysteriously stop working.
How do you know if you have a genuine USB-to-Serial adapter or a fake one?
There apparently is no easy way to tell (yet). Post something here if
you discover a utility that can help.
In the mean time, buy name brand (such as GearMo) from reputable dealers
(such as Amazon.com), and you should be OK.
Bob, N6TV
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