[WT-support] Bandmap feature

Georgek5kg at aol.com Georgek5kg at aol.com
Thu Jun 5 14:54:29 CEST 2014

Bill, I don't know of a way to sort the band map spots by point  value.   
But, frankly, I don't see too much value in doing that,  although it might be 
nice to have. 
In my case, many times in a contest I display mults-only on the List view,  
and then use Ctrl-ArrowUp/Down to capture and work them.  I am working 3-6  
stns per minute (on a good day), so I am not focusing at all on their point 
 value, just keeping the rate up.
My personal opinion is that when operating a contest as assisted, you don't 
 want to waist any time managing the band map.  The only changing of the  
band map that I do is to display mults-only or non-mults-only in the  List 
view.  With regard to that, I wish that there was a keyboard command  to make 
that switch between mults-only and not-mults-only, but I don't know  of 
such.  I have a nickel for anyone who can tell me that.
73, George. 
George  Wagner, K5KG
Sarasota, FL 
941-400-1960 cell  

In a message dated 6/5/2014 4:30:29 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
g3ww.dez at gmail.com writes:


Is it possible to add a new 'sort' option to the band  map list view?

Ideally I would like a sort option which lists QSOs by  points value, 
similar to 'By mult type' but subtlety different.

For  instance in CQWW CW, DX stations count 3 points and stations in my 
own  continent (EU) count 1 point.

To have the 3 pointers displayed  uppermost, and the 1 pointers lower 
down the list would satisfy my  request.

Or perhaps, there is a workaround to achieve sort 'By QSO  pts'?


Dez, G3WW,  M6W
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