[WT-support] SO2R+ Box YCCC in SSB
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Jul 31 20:55:18 CEST 2014
Unlike CW, it is not that easy to do this when using the DVR inside the
radio, or an external voice keyer, because the software doesn't know the
duration of each voice vessage. So, today, SO2R only works if you use the
PC sound card (or external sound card) as a voice keyer. If you use the
radio's voice keyer, the radio switching timing doesn't work.
I have not figured out how to get around this limitation with software.
Maybe there's a clever way to use the PTT output of each radio to control
the headphone switching (simulating latch mode).
Bob, N6TV
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Leonardo Ramírez Rodríguez <
ea7kb at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> In SSB i use SO2R Box YCCC and the DVR of my transceiver with Yaesu
> FT-2000 control scripts written by ND8L and N6TV
> In SSB with advanced SO2R unfortunately the SO2R+ box doesn´t seem to want
> to respond to them .
> Under scenario 1 the F1 box contains.
> $RESET $R2R2 $F1 $R1R2.
> Presing F1 plays the F1 DVR message from my FT2000 but apparently ignores
> the R2R2 and R1R2 comands,
> the LATCH don´t work .
> In CW and RTTY working well
> Anyone can help me ?
> Best regards.
> Leo / EA7KB
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