[WT-support] Doubts - Wintest / N1MM
LB3RE LJ3RE Stein-Roar Brobakken
post at lb3re.com
Tue Jul 15 04:49:55 CEST 2014
Use software adif masterhttp://www.dxshell.com/downloads/ADIFMaster.zip
---Sent by iphoneLB3RE LJ3RE K3RAG ex: LA6FJAwww.lb3re.com ~ Rag ~ Stein Roar Brobakken e-mail:post at lb3re.comhttp://la5o.wordpress.comwww.contesting.no
On 15. juli 2014 02:08:26 CEST, PY2LED - Fernando <py2led at fuertesind.com.br> wrote:Hello Guys, Good evening! Hope all of you enjoyed the IARU HF 2014 last weekend. We operated from our contest station using ZW2HQ in 04 bands at same time. Each operator with independent computer and log software. (no network) Myself is using Wintest 4.10.0. I exported the ADIF and sent it for my colleague that will merge all other logs in one. He is using N1MM and told me N1MM is not bringing the ITU zones from my ADIF. But on the same time, my Cabrillo brings both Exchanges. I don’t know how to solve, if the problem comes from Wintest or from N1MM. Could you please help us with your experience? Thanks and Cheers, 73’s Fernando F. R. Cordoba – PY2LED Alto da Serra Contest Station www.altodaserradx.com PX2B – ZV2V – PX2F – ZV2K py2led at fuertesind.com.br Este email está limpo de vírus e malwares porque a proteção do avast! Antivírus está ativa.
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