[WT-support] IARU contest
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Wed Jul 9 03:05:58 CEST 2014
It's happening because Win-Test by default uses the CTY.DAT file, instead
of the more complete CTY_WT_MOD.DAT file.
1. Type CTYFILES [Enter] in the logging window
2. Select CTY_WT_MOD.DAT, and *Download* to get the latest.
3. After the download is complete, check "Reload" and click OK.
4. Download the updated HQ station prefill file from http://bit.ly/itudtb
(I'm updating it daily now). This will download itu.zip.
5. Select File | Explore | /database directory. This will open Windows
6. Open itu.zip and extract. Copy and paste itu.dtb to the /database
folder opened in step 5. Ignore the other files.
7. Select Options | Data Entry | Exchange guessing | Automatically so
that the data will be pre-filled as soon as you type the last letter of the
8. Restart Win-Test (REOPENNOW [Enter] is the fastest way to do this)
Now if you type KM5PS, it will display Zone 07. If you type W100AW, it
will display ARRL. If not, review the steps above.
Bob, N6TV
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 5:49 PM, John <km5ps at cox.net> wrote:
> I have been setting up my Win-test for the IARU contest this year, this is
> the first year I have tried to use Win-test for this contest. I have
> noticed that some of the ITU zones do not come up correct with calls. For
> instance, if I put my call KM5PS in, it shows ITU zone as 08 instead of 07.
> I was just wondering why it is showing that? fNot really a big deal since
> you should always not trust what automatically appears. Anyway just
> wondering why, and if everyone is having same thing happen.
> Thanks
> John
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