[WT-support] WT-DX-Telnet // RBN ?

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Sun Jul 6 21:13:32 CEST 2014

Hi Bob, Andy, et al.

Le 06/07/2014 01:47, Andy Cook, G4PIQ a écrit :

> I think this must be down to the implementation on the new
> telnet.reversebeacon.net relay server - it is a new system AFAIK (see
> http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2014-06/msg00015.html).
> However, there is also a second relay at relay2.reversebeacon.net 7000 -
> this DOES seem to work OK with Win-Test.

If the new implementation is not fixed in a very near future (I wish it 
would be fixed, to maintain compatibility), I've released a dev version 
of wtDxTelnet which allows a new option in the cluster settings to use a 
CRLF newline character instead of the default LF.


Caution : It's not an installer. Just move it to your Win-Test directory.

As usual with dev version, keep your current wtDxTelnet available in 
case of bug...


Larry - F6FVY

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