[WT-support] Fwd: FTDX3000
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Fri Jan 17 23:46:24 CET 2014
For FT DX 3000, try selecting radio type FTDX-9000 in Win-Test, and set up
the Radio's COM port Configuration to 4800,N,8,2,DTR OFF, RTS Handshake:
In the FT DX3000 menu:
037 CAT SELECT = RS232C if you are using 9-pin serial port, otherwise USB
(If you are using USB, you have to load and install the USB driver from
starting Win-Test)
038 CAT RATE = 4800 bps (default)
040 CAT RTS = ENABLE (default)
If that does not work, set CAT RTS = DISABLE and set RTS (pin 7) to Always
Please let us know what works so that we can update the documentation.
Bob, N6TV
On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Krajcár Lajos HA2QW <ha2qw at qrz.hu> wrote:
> Hi All!
> Met somebody FTDX3000 cat settings in Win-Test? How have to do it?
> I try FT2000 and FT950 setup, but it not work.
> vy73/DX
> Lajos
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