[WT-support] Multi software RX RTTY!!!
i4ufh at libero.it
Tue Feb 11 08:36:38 CET 2014
Unfortunately any WT user need to consider to have paid for a zombie software, there is no more develop,
no more support for new contest, and only small fix from the original dev. F5MZN who was the core guy
is disappeared, he was the code guru, and we have only small fix from Larry …...
The only great support is from Bob, that spend his time to answer at the question, support the user, and
look for a short cut solutions, to the community demand. Really impressive his capability to support us,
with his LUA script !
WT need to be used as- is , didn’t expect more, even u had paid it, for CW is magic, in SSB need same tricks
to be used with new radios ( K3 ), it’s amazing on networked contest, and very stable, but unfortunately, don’t
ask new feature, or try to open the eyes to the dev guys …. I spent days to found a workaround , to use
the internal K3 DVK, were was really easy to add from dev guys, or try to understand why DVK repeat is
a function that work only when there are no macro associated to the Fx key, no a clear answer, only
that is software philosophy ….
Never less is still the best contest software, for my needs !!
Thank’s to be developed !!
73 de Fabio I4UFH
Il giorno 10/feb/2014, alle ore 21:18, Zrinko Zibert <dk8zz at darc.de> ha scritto:
> Actually, that was answer from F6FVY, not from Bob :)
> 73, Zik DK8ZZ
> 2014-02-10 21:11 GMT+01:00 Carmelo Schembri <it9aug at gmail.com>:
> Hello Bob, we have different ideas, if a station is competitive it is in any mode SSB and CW also RTTY, if I buy a software and wonder if it is possible to obtain an improvement can not answer that it is not in the goals and I have to use a software different, it would be advisable to study a bit of marketing and realize that maybe after so many have asked this improvement ......!
> WT is the absolute best software I have no doubt, I paid for it.
> I will use a free software and try to be competitive with that, thank you for your response which I consider wrong.
> I also believe that it is not just me in this request.
> 2014-02-10 19:26 GMT+01:00 Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net>:
> Though it might be possible, adding more RTTY features to Win-Test seems unlikely to happen, since RTTY Contesting is not the top priority of the Win-Test developers. Please read this post by one of the authors, almost five years ago:
> http://lists.f5mzn.org/pipermail/support/2009-March/077305.html
> Though it might be possible to hack up something using the existing software, by connecting two receivers to the same antenna, calling them "Radio 1" and "Radio 2", and using MMTTY on one and 2Tone on the other, then you could maybe use the SO2R features of Win-Test. But it still may not do what you want.
> If your goal is to be a competitive RTTY contester, you should probably be using something other than Win-Test. If you just want to have a little fun in RTTY contests, Win-Test is fine as it is.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 5:22 AM, Carmelo Schembri <it9aug at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello guy, when will be possibile to have Multi RX RTTY software in WT????
> I used another software during the cqwpx rtty and the result of having MMTTY +2 TONE is incredible, please work on this, 73.
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> 73s, Zrinko Zibert (Zik) DK8ZZ, VE3ZIK, YT3ZZ
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