[WT-support] Click on spots Bug?
José Nunes CT1BOH
ct1boh at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 16:12:58 CET 2014
Regarding 2nd scenario you should have used (1) CT1BOH skimmer quality tags
(2) removed skimmer dupes
In AR-Cluster V6 use the following commands
Set dx ext skimmerquality (this activates skimmer spots with qualtity tags
next to it)
Set dx filter not skimdupe (this removes duplicate skimmer spots from
output, reducing data load)
Set dx filter skimvalid (this removes busted skimmer spots, preventing you
to follow bogus calls)
You can find info here
On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Filipe Lopes <ct1ilt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I participated in the WW CW as SO AB (A) and I found a few things to
> improve in win-test (maybe?).
> 1st scenario: Running on R1 and Mults on radio 2:
> While running on R1 and when I clicked on a DX Spot from the bandmap to
> work the mult on the 2nd radio, after the RUN QSO on R1 win-test sends the
> call that I clicked on the band for R2 and the TU message...
> 2nd scenario: Skimmer with bandmaps:
> Is there a way to freeze the bandmap so it doesnt go up and down
> continuaslly as spots are added into the bandmap, it is kinda frustrationg
> when clicking on a dx spot it doesnt move you to the correct one because
> the scroll at the band map moves, the same thing happens for the DX Cluster
> ANNOUNCEMENTS. This happens when using skimmer to populate band maps and dx
> cluster announcements.
> thanks
> 73's Filipe Lopes
> F4VPX - TM3M
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José Nunes
CONTEST CT1BOH - http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh
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