[WT-support] Can Not Import
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Sun Nov 17 20:04:41 CET 2013
You cannot import or export a DXPedition file in Cabrillo format, because
there is no Cabrillo format for DXpeditions, only for contests. Since
there are no contests that use the new bands (WARC bands), there is really
no alternative contest I can think of that you can use instead, since none
use CW, SSB, RTTY and WARC bands.
Why do you want to import this file into Win-Test, to calculate statistics
and country totals? Whatever program created the Cabrillo file you are
trying to import probably has a feature to do that.
Bob, N6TV
On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 9:19 AM, George Rebong <ke6te.9 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Error creating Win-test file
> C:\Users\George\Documents\win-test\DXPED-HF-CW_2012 at KE6TE
> Import cancelled!
> I am getting this window message when I am trying to import the file to
> Cabrillo.
> George KE6TE
> --
> George Rebong
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