[WT-support] Win-test HQ version 4.8.0 on Windows 8 (not PRO version)
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Fri May 31 04:07:34 CEST 2013
Thanks for posting the screen shot and follow-up message. Obviously you
should have contacted support at oreans.com instead of support at win-test.com.
It is possible that the Themida encrypter has a bug that only shows up when
encrypting WT 4.8 HQ, then trying to run it on Windows 8. It would be nice
to know if you can try installing WT 4.8 HQ on a *different* Windows 8
machine, since you are the first to report any problems.
As I said before, you will either have to wait for new build of WT HQ, and
if none is made available, perhaps none of the HQ stations will be able to
use Windows 8.
Bob, N6TV
On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Stein-Roar Brobakken <sroabr at gmail.com>wrote:
> The link you gave me of 4.8.0 WT was 100% ok. loads and starts in
> Windows8, but HQ version didnt. :P
> 73s LA6FJA
> 2013/5/31 Stein-Roar Brobakken <sroabr at gmail.com>
>> Hi Bob
>> Here is error message
>> http://la6fja.eu/contest/wintest/fault_win8_HQ_480.png
>> I can try to uninstall the antivirus McAfee... but ? why is 4.9.1 and
>> 4.10.0 ok?
>> Yes, the wt-4.8.0 runs ok in that folder, when I tries to overwrite the
>> 4.8.0 HQ version, the fault appear :D
>> same with 4.9.1 and 4.10.0 is 100% ok starts and runs...
>> I don't know what matter with the HQ version..
>> Well, I have only other computer with Windows 7 and Win XP which runs
>> 100%, just wanted to be sure win 8 were ok due some new operators in IARU
>> may have win 8 in their shack..
>> 73s LA6FJA Rag
>> 2013/5/31 Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net>
>>> Please post EXACTLY which error message is displayed (copy screen shot
>>> as .PNG file to external server) to make it easier to do Google searches.
>>> I can't find "TEMIDA". Does it actually say "Themida?" That software
>>> by www.oreans.com may be what Win-Test uses to encrypt the executable
>>> to prevent security key cracking. I found some web reports of some gaming
>>> applications that do not work on Windows 8 due to a "Themida error," so
>>> it's possible that some programs protected by some version of Themida just
>>> will run on Windows 8, including WT HQ 4.8.
>>> As a test, please try installing the "regular" version of of Win-Test
>>> 4.8 (to a separate directory and separate Start Menu folder, don't use the
>>> defaults):
>>> http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.8.0.exe
>>> Does it run OK or do you get the same error? How about WT 4.9?
>>> Your only choice may be to use another computer unless the developers
>>> can rebuild a HQ version for you.
>>> 73,
>>> Bob, N6TV
>>> On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Stein-Roar Brobakken <sroabr at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Well I tried disable everything.
>>>> Tried all kind of option with Win XP and Win 7.
>>>> Run as administrator...
>>>> Get same fault everytime... :/
>>>> Win-test 4.10.0 running ok :)
>>>> 73s LA6FJA Rag for LN2HQ
>>>> 2013/5/31 Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net>
>>>>> Try running the installer by right clicking on the install program and
>>>>> selecting "Run as Administrator". Do the same when starting Win-Test.
>>>>> Any difference?
>>>>> It's also possible that some type of anti-virus program has blocked
>>>>> execution of Win-Test because it thinks it is a virus. Try temporarily
>>>>> disabling "Auto-Protect" or similar while installing and starting Win-Test.
>>>>> 73,
>>>>> Bob, N6TV
>>>>> On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Stein-Roar Brobakken <
>>>>> sroabr at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I tries to RUN HQ version 4.8.0 on my windows 8 Machine.
>>>>>>> I came up with "TEMIDA....
>>>>>>> An Internal execption appeared ( Adress: 0x0)
>>>>>>> Please contact support @oreans.com. thank you"
>>>>>>> I have installed WT 4.10.0 in C:/programfiles/win-test
>>>>>>> WT HQ is in C:/Win-test-HQ/ folder
>>>>>> We never experienced or heard about that.
>>>>>> For now, my best advice is to try to use the XP compatibility mode
>>>>>> for WT in Win8, or use a plain Win7 or XP computer. from WT support..
>>>>>> ^^**************
>>>>>> I tried all kind of settings and win XP SP 3 mode etc Admin...
>>>>>> but my win.-test 4.10.0 runs ok 100% ... so maybe some issue with
>>>>>> 4.8.0 ???
>>>>>> 73s LA6FJA for LN2HQ
>>>>>> will there be an updated HQ version for 2013???
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