[WT-support] CW transmission problem
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Mar 19 19:24:59 CET 2013
Matthias is correct. That's the best solution for the speed jump problem,
if you must use a WinKey (which is not really required at all). More
1. In the Win-Test logging Window, type *WKSETUP* [Enter]
2. Set *CW Message and Paddle Speeds* to *Synchronized*
3. Set *Speed Setting* to *Only by the Win-Test Commands (Alt-V/F9/F10)*
4. Press *OK*
5. Type *MSGS* [Enter] and remove *all* the ++ and -- symbols (speed
changes) from every message. You will now be more easily spotted by CW
Skimmers too!
6. Press *OK*
This will eliminate all CW speed jump issues. The speed knob on the keyer
will be ignored.
Optional but recommended: remap *PageUp* and *PageDown* to do your CW
speed changes.
1. Type *DEFINEKEYS* [Enter]
2. Click *Add*
3. Press *PageUp* key
4. Press *Alt+F10*
5. Click *Add* again
6. Press *PageDown* key
7. Press *Alt+F9*
8. Press *OK*
One should also keep in mind that Win-Test requires no WinKey at all.
Win-Test sends excellent CW via real or virtual Serial Ports, and via real
Parallel Ports. Even USB-to-Serial adapters (FTDI or Eltima, but not
Prolific) work well. Some radios such as the K3 and FlexRadio support
on/off keying directly via the same serial cable used to control the radio,
so you don't even need a second COM port. Use the radio's built-in keyer
for paddle-sent CW, and optionally use the K3 Win-Test scripts to
automatically keep the radio's internal keyer speed in sync with Win-Test's
CW speed (http://bit.ly/wtscripts).
Bob, N6TV
On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 5:35 AM, Matthias Jelen <Matthias.Jelen at gmx.de>wrote:
> Hi Kim & Wolfgang,
> I don´t think it is as bad as Wolfgang puts it...
> We use MKIIs and MK2Rs with WinKey without problems. As far as I remember,
> one important point to avoid speed jumps is to disable the speed control
> via the poti in the Microham device and leave the speed control to WinTest
> only. There is a checkbox for that somewhere in the WinKey configuration
> menu within WinTest.
> I also heard the tip not to use the ++ / -- macros within the CW messages,
> but I don´t know if this is still valid.
> Hope this helps!
> 73,
> Matthias, DK4YJ
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 19. März 2013 um 09:30 Uhr
> *Von:* "Wolfgang Schwarz -DK9VZ-" <ws at dk9vz.com>
> *An:* support at win-test.com
> *Betreff:* Re: [WT-support] CW transmission problem
> Hej Kim
> this problem is well known and occurs afaik with all Microham devices
> as well as some other brand containing the Winkey Chip.
> We have been waiting for at least a workaround for years and decided than
> to not use Microham/Winkey any longer.
> Sorry to have no better answer for you.
> Maybe the development team has one in the meantime?
> By the way. The Microham USB3-interface works well, because it doesn´t
> use a Winkey chip.
> *73 de*
> *Wolfgang DK9VZ*
> ws at dk9vz.com
> Am 19.03.2013 08:39, schrieb Kim Östman:
> Hi,
> In the last few contests I have noticed some strange behavior when sending
> CW with Win-Test and MK2R+. This has taken place at two different stations,
> and since voicing my concern I've heard a couple of other hams confirm
> they've had the same problem:
> Sporadically, the CW speed will jump up to 40 WPM (it doesn't say that in
> the Win-Test window, but that's the approximate speed) when transmission
> starts, and it stays that way until I either change the speed manually with
> Alt+F9/F10 (and then it will jump right back to 32 WPM or whatever, with
> one abrupt change) or press Escape to stop the transmission and then Escape
> once more.
> This may have been dealt with already here, but does anybody have any
> tips?
> Thanks,
> 73
> Kim OH6KZP
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