[WT-support] CW transmission problem
Georgek5kg at aol.com
Georgek5kg at aol.com
Tue Mar 19 13:59:18 CET 2013
I recommend that you do not use the speed up (++) and slow down (--)
commands in your F-key messages. They cause occasional speeds jumps with my
Microham CW Keyers.
73, George, K5KG
George Wagner, K5KG
Sarasota, FL
941-400-1960 cell
In a message dated 3/19/2013 3:39:28 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
kim.ostman at tut.fi writes:
In the last few contests I have noticed some strange behavior when
sending CW with Win-Test and MK2R+. This has taken place at two
different stations, and since voicing my concern I've heard a couple
of other hams confirm they've had the same problem:
Sporadically, the CW speed will jump up to 40 WPM (it doesn't say that
in the Win-Test window, but that's the approximate speed) when
transmission starts, and it stays that way until I either change the
speed manually with Alt+F9/F10 (and then it will jump right back to 32
WPM or whatever, with one abrupt change) or press Escape to stop the
transmission and then Escape once more.
This may have been dealt with already here, but does anybody have any tips?
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