[WT-support] problem with sound playing
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Jun 6 19:17:40 CEST 2013
1. Open the DDFM log with Win-Test
2. From the menu select *File | Explore | /ops directory ...*
3. Open the *default* folder
4. Open the *f4egz* folder
5. Open the *11* folder
(Contest ID 11 is the DDFM contest, as listed in the
6. If you see any .WAV files in the *11 *folder, delete all of them
7. Restart Win-Test
8. Press Shift+F1, Shift+F2, etc. to re-record all of your messages.
9. If you still have the same issue, repeat all steps above, but *skip
step 3*.
Alternative method:
Use Windows Explorer to Navigate to the following folder:
*Windows XP*: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
*Windows Vista/7*: C:\ProgramData\Win-Test\ops\default\f4egz\11
If the folder is not visible, you will have to make all folders visible by
following the step-by-step directions on this
the Wiki.
Bob, N6TV
On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 2:54 AM, ced <lamc1 at free.fr> wrote:
> hello, i have a problem to play and record audio file on one contest DDFM
> 6 contest. My WT is uptodate to V4.10.
> When i want play a file with F1 i have this message :
> Exception in_LIBDVK: Error reading PCM wave format record in
> LIBDVK_onStartPlaying. The end of the file was reached before the chunk was
> found.
> When i try to record WT crash.
> It works good for others contests new or old contest in my laptop.
> If i uncheck use DVK on Options/Interfaces i can use F1 touch but nothing
> appears , no level audio meter ...
> Thinks
> 73 ced F4EGZ
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