[WT-support] per windows user "ops" directory?
Alexander Kurpiers
a.kurpiers at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 13:27:35 CEST 2013
Idea is not so bad - unfortunately I need the Windows logins, too, as
different programs need to run for the different bands.
The best I can do probably is have a batch script that copies the right
wav files.
Or maybe - I could write a login.wts that uses os.getenv() (if
supported...) to do this automatically.
...but now it really gets too special. I'll report once I've done it...
73' Alexander
On 05/31/2013 07:30 PM, Bob Wilson, N6TV wrote:
> Win-Test already supports different operator directories.
> Instead of using Windows logins, just use Win-Test's OPON / OPOFF text
> commands. Then DVK messages will automatically switch to those
> programmed for the current operator, and the current contest type
> (must program or copy messages to each machine). See this post
> <http://lists.f5mzn.org/pipermail/support/2011-March/080906.html> for
> more details about .wav file locations.
> Note also that the login.wts and logout.wts scripts are called for
> each operator change. These scripts must be located in the root
> directory of each operator (...\Application Data\Win-Test\ops\dl8aau\
> for example). Such a script could be used to set specific operator
> preferences each time they log in (e.g. wtApp:TextCommand("ESM");).
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 9:19 AM, Alexander Kurpiers
> <a.kurpiers at gmail.com <mailto:a.kurpiers at gmail.com>> wrote:
> I have a delicate configuration problem...
> Maybe first let me explain what I want: I have several identical
> PCs and
> all should run the same OS image. They are in fact used on different
> bands and therefore require slightly different settings. This is easy
> for stuff that can be changed in the ini file - I'm using a different
> one per band. Each "band"/"function" has its own user. So
> theoretically
> you should just login with the matching user name, launch win-test
> through a lnk file that has the right .ini file in it and everything
> should be setup correctly.
> (So if one PC breaks during the contest, you just grab the spare one,
> use the right login and everything is fine)
> Only exception: there seems to be no way to have different ops
> directories. It is always in
> %programdata%\win-test\ops\<callsign>\<contestid>
> (found the contestid here
> http://download.win-test.com/v4/lua/constants.wts)
> Unfortunately there seems to be no way to move this directory
> somewhere
> else - especially not into the user depend part of the file system
> like
> %appdata%.
> Why would I want to do this? In ops the wav file for CQ calling is
> stored and you may need different "kind" of calls
> (short/long/English/German... depending on band and time. We cannot
> record from Win-test (the headset microphone is connected directly to
> the transceiver), so usually the wav files are prepared before.
> http://lists.f5mzn.org/pipermail/support/2011-March/080906.html
> explains
> most details, but not if the ops directory could be moved.
> I could of course stop using "operators" as intended (we usually don't
> use logon/logoff) and "abuse" them, so would have an operator "144",
> "432" etc.
> That seems to work, but I would prefer a solution where I do not
> have to
> cripple the "operator" feature...
> 73' Alexander DL8AAU
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