[WT-support] Flex 5000A to Win Test 4.10 on Windows 7 64 Bit
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Feb 5 19:20:23 CET 2013
According to the Flex-5000 manual, the Flex-5000 CAT command set emulates a
Kenwood TS-2000. In the Win-Test SETUP dialog, set Radio 1 to "Kenwood
(HF)" and set the virtual COM provided by the vCom driver for CAT control
(e.g. COM6) to "Radio 1".
You can also use Win-Test's COM port CW keying on this rig, via the DTR and
RTS pins on the same COM port. See "Configure PowerSDR Keyer Connections"
section in the Flex-5000 Owner's manual.
Then in Win-Test press the [Configure...] button next to the COM port to
specify CW keying and PTT on the same RTS and DTR pins.
Bob, N6TV
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 1:01 AM, Ulrich Mauer <Ulrich.Mauer at t-online.de>wrote:
> **
> We have a Multi-Multi Station with 6 FT1000 MP Mark V Field with Microham
> USB II interfaces and everything works well.
> But how to connect a Flex 5000A to Intel I7 Windows 7 64 Bit computer with
> Win Test 4.10.0.
> Computer runs both programms with 2 monitors with PowerSDR on the left and
> Win Test on the right.
> How does it work in this case with the virtual USB-Ports ?
> www.DP6T.de
> 73 Ulrich DK9UMA
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