[WT-support] Icom IC-910 Settings

Stewart GM4AFF stewart at gm4aff.net
Fri Dec 6 21:15:12 CET 2013

Known good settings for Icom IC-910


I am using a serial connection from the transceiver to an RS232 9 pin COM
port on a desktop PC (COM4 in my case, on an additional Serial card). There
are some electronics in the 9-pin plug, which may require power, which is
probably derived from the DTR line.


Settings for an IC-910H are as follows:

In the radio menu -

CI-Addr = 60

CI-baud  = 19200

CI-trn = on


In WinTest -

IC-910 set as the current radio type.

Neither "Don't Poll" nor "Use CI-V Transceive" should be selected.

Choose IC-910 Default Settings.

Port properties: 19200 - 8 - None - 1

DTR Pin 4 = Always ON

RTS Pin 7 = Always OFF


The Sub VFO frequency does not show in WinTest and it's not possible to
right-click the band map and set a spot to the Sub VFO.


I don't think much of the IC-910 as a serious VHF radio, although I bought
it with that intention.







From: support-bounces at f5mzn.org [mailto:support-bounces at f5mzn.org] On Behalf
Of Bob Wilson, N6TV
Sent: 04 December 2013 09:57
To: Win-Test Reflector
Subject: Re: [WT-support] Icom IC-910 Settings


Glad you got it to work, but please document what settings you are using in
the Icom menus for:


CI-V Address:

CI-V Baud rate:

CI-V Transceive:


Also, are you using a USB-to-Serial adapter?  What type?  What does it say
in the Windows Device Manager for driver type?  Some USB-to-Serial adapters
need to get power from the DTR or RTS PIN (it seems).  Or is it a real 9-pin
serial port on a desktop PC?


Bob, N6TV


On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 1:35 AM, Stewart GM4AFF <stewart at gm4aff.net> wrote:

Thanks to all for the help with this issue.

Yes, Bob, neither polling nor CI-V Transceive are selected, but, as Martin
has suggested, I had to select DTR On.

No, there's no logic to it but it's working now!


Thanks and 73






From: g3zay [mailto:g3zay at btinternet.com] 
Sent: 30 November 2013 18:59
To: stewart at gm4aff.net
Subject: Fwd: [WT-support] Icom IC-910 Settings


I use a 910 with Wintest at G6Uw snd I think one of DTR and RTS has to be
on. Not sure which but may have time to look tmw.



Sent from Samsung Mobile on O2


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