[WT-support] Win-Test and contest numbers, proposal
Wolfgang -DK9VZ-
ws at dk9vz.com
Tue May 29 13:41:45 CEST 2012
Hey Tönno
yes you're right, I didn´t consider that there is another mode called SSB,
which I normally don´t use and don´t like ;-))
So your proposal to increment SN only the callsign fileld is empty
would be a very good solution in my view also.
It could lead to having sent the same number twice, but when both QSOs
are logged with that same number and could be cross checked it wouldn´t
be a problem.
A gap (a number without an assigned QSO) would not appear.
When can we have it? ;-))
/*73 de*/
/*Wolfgang DK9VZ*/
ws at dk9vz.com <mailto:ws at dk9vz.com>
Am 29.05.2012 13:25, schrieb Tõnno Vähk:
> I see a very interesting and needed discussion here. We just completed
> another MS operation in WPX which now has one numbering sequence only
> and running with 5 stations you need all them to coordinate numbers.
> It is a mess as often the number is stolen from the RUN station or
> another station after it has given it out but before he has pressed
> Enter and then the wrong sent number gets into the log. We do use
> $NEXTSERIAL, etc... But a lot of human mistakes happen. And
> unfortunately it is the innocent caller who gets punished as he will
> lose the QSO because “wrongly copied“ exchange.
> I have seen the opinion of WT guys and solutions proposed and
> arguments presented to protect the current system. Well, obviously a
> critical mass of people have huge problems with this thing and we
> would need at least some optional solution. It is clear that none of
> the contest organizers require perfect line of numbers and what is
> important is that the numbers match in logs. So preserving a clean
> sequence is not an argument.
> Reserving the number somehow when it is sent does not quite work as in
> SSB it won’t work and even in CW some guys send with paddle, etc..
> Bob’s idea abut the program checking what was sent and logging it is
> interesting but again not universal.
> It seems to me that the best option is to have a following tickable
> option in WT:
> That’s it. Let the station who has something on the callsign field
> keep the number. This way it can never happen that you log a different
> number from what is sent! If the QSO does not happen and you clear the
> callsign field the number gets immidiately synchronized again! Can
> someone point out when this solution would not work?
> If only it would not require rewriting the whole code of the program!
> Does it??
> 73
> Es5tv
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