[WT-support] RDXC Status

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Mar 15 23:49:01 CET 2012


Considering the various changes in the Russian regions list for the 
coming RDXC, the following files are now updated and available :

- CTY_OBL.DAT (v1.8 - release 2012.03.08.00)


Put it in your /countryFiles directory (use File / Explore / Country 
files if you don't know where it is located).

- OBLASTS.DAT (release 2012.03.15.00)


Put it in your /countryFiles directory (use File / Explore / Country 
files if you don't know where it is located).

Thanks to Chris SP5KM, Zoli HA1AG and Mike F5IN for their work on these 

Also, as the Regions window (Alt-Z) had regions that are now deleted, 
and the ZK region has been created, a dvpt version has been released 
with these mods (among others) :


Reminders :

- As usual, you need your credentials (login / password) to access this 
directory and file.
- As usual, this dvpt version is only available in English.
- As usual, you _DON'T_ _NEED_ a new registration key for this version. 
It will work with your current registration key.


Larry - F6FVY

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary 
and those who don't.

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