[WT-support] Eliminating bad calls from bandmap
Tõnno Vähk
tonno.vahk at gafm.ee
Thu Feb 9 20:10:30 CET 2012
Just on idea that I am sure is not new.
Could we implement an option into WT to list certain calls as bad and not
showing up in bandmap and Dxcluster Announcements window?
Skimmers are making repetitive mistakes and it would be extremely good to
be able to filter out some wrong calls that appear in every 10 minutes.
My dream:
To supply a list of calls as text file:
So all those calls or calls mathing the partial are filtered out. AP2L
(UP2L) was constantly in the bandmap in the last contest..
And secondly, during the contest there is an option when rightclicking on
a call in the bandmap next to Delete also to Add Into Bad Calls List
What an great improvement that would be...and would allow reducing the
risk of operators working the busted RBN spots...
What say?
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