[WT-support] win test 3.27 + microham usb3
Filippo 387
fc387 at libero.it
Wed Aug 15 18:25:37 CEST 2012
Anybody can give me link about faq or answer about setting wintest with microham usb3 interface?Thank youFilippo IK4ZHH
----Messaggio originale----
Da: n6tv at arrl.net
Data: 15/08/2012 2.47
A: <support at win-test.com>
Ogg: Re: [WT-support] SO2R with 2 computers
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 4:58 PM, Denny Sahovic, KX7M <radio at kx7m.net> wrote:
Has anyone managed to run SO2R with 2 computers, 2 radios (of course), and simple audio mixing without any SO2R boxes?
Many top SO2R ops prefer to operate this way, using Win-Test with two keyboards, and two networked computers (e.g. N6MJ, N5KO). Hardware interlocks are mandatory, otherwise the risk of transmitting two signals at the same time is far too high, and you can easily be disqualified.
Does Win-Test support some software interlocking?
None whatsoever, if you use two computers. It probably wouldn't be fast enough anyway, and there would inevitably be some tens of milliseconds of TX overlap at some point in the contest when you tried to transmit on both radios at once.
73,Bob, N6TV
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