[WT-support] Messages moving
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Sep 22 19:50:23 CEST 2011
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:07 AM, Peter <pc2a at pi4cc.nl> wrote:
> Is there a way to load messages into Win-test.?
> In a M/M setup every body has his own way to define messages.
> I would be nice if you can download your own set from a location.
It would be nice if there were LUA APIs that could be used change CW
messages, as then you could store them in a file and program them with a
simple command instead of having to copy files around. It would be even
better if there was a command to synchronize CW messages, window layouts,
and options, on every computer in the LAN.
But until that exists, here is what you have to do today:
Create an empty .WT4 file with all the CW messages and window positions
predefined, then copy it to every computer, using Windows networking
commands or "sneaker net" (flash drives). On every computer, change the
station name in the contest configuration window to make it unique (STN1,
STN2, etc.), and then you are good to go.
Note that standard CW messages and window positions are stored in the .WT4
file, but Additional Messages (Alt-C), are stored in the wt.ini file.
Therefore, standard CW messages change from contest to contest, but
Additional Messages do not.
Useful Windows networking commands:
net use X: \\machineName\C$ /u:userid
Where machineName is the Computer Name displayed via My Computer (right
click), Properties, Computer Name, and userid is an Administrator ID used
to log on to that machine. This should prompt you to enter a password
unless you use the same userid and password on all machines, in which case
you may omit the /u: option entirely.
The NET USE command allows you to read and write to C: drive on the remote
machine, accessing it as drive letter X:. It assumes NETBIOS is set up, and
Windows 7 "simple networking" is NOT selected (getting this to work with
Windows 7 is also possible, but too hard to explain here).
net use X: /d
Closes the network connection, allowing you to use drive letter X: again to
link to another machine. Do this after copying the .WT4 file.
Starts up Windows NetMeeting so that you can remotely access another machine
on the LAN, with full GUI access (CONF must be up and running on all
machines that you wish to access, and it must be configured properly).
Some Win-Test commands that may help you:
COPYLOGCLEAR -- Saves a copy of the current log with a date stamp, then
empties the log of all QSOs -- good to use before a contest starts, as all
CW messages are preserved (unlike File | New, which resets all messages to
REOPEN -- Good to use when Options | Load contest at startup is Enabled. It
puts you back on the Contest Configuration screen so that you can change the
station name
SYNC -- Re-enables log synchronization on that computer in case it is
automatically disabled when a duplicate station name is detected on the LAN
at start-up.
wt -n -- Overrides Options | Load contest at startup, so you can open a
different log file
wt -i wt2.ini -- Uses wt2.ini instead of wt.ini (see File | Explore | /cfg
directory). Allows you to save different sets of Additional (Alt-C)
messages and options (rarely used though)
REMOTE -- Very useful at a multi-multi to run text commands on all Win-Test
machines in the network at the same time. See Clearing all logs before the
a detailed example. Unfortunately, it cannot be used to change CW
messages or to change the station name.
Bob, N6TV
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