[WT-support] CQ WW SSB: Zones without leading zero ?
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Wed Oct 26 23:57:57 CEST 2011
Hi Ville,
First, make sure Win-Test is using the latest version of CTY_WT_MOD.DAT, *
not* CTY.DAT. The bigger file has built-in data about proper CQ / ITU zones
for many active contesters. Just type CTYFILES [Enter] in the Win-Test
logging window, and follow the prompts to select and download the latest
version of CTY_WT_MOD.DAT from the Internet, all via Win-Test.
Second, right click on the Check Partial Window and then select "Used Files
List" from the pop-up menu. If you see HF.DTB instead of MASTER.SCP,
DEFAULT.SCP, or MASTER.DTA, that's bad news. HF.DTB is way out of date.
Download MASTER.SCP from http://www.supercheckpartial.com to the databases
directory (File | Explore ... | /databases directory) and restart Win-Test
(REOPENNOW [Enter] is a good text command shortcut for doing that).
There is no Win-Test option to remove the leading zero from the pre-filled
zones, and no easy way to do the equivalent with a LUA script without
causing unwanted side effects, as far as I can determine. Sorry.
I tried removing all the leading zeroes from CTY_WT_MOD.DAT, but that didn't
help either.
Of course actually* copying* the zone correctly, especially when it doesn't
match the pre-fill, is still a very important part of the contest. :-)
Using the correct CTY_WT_MOD.DAT will help reduce typing the most.
Bob, N6TV
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Ville Hiilesmaa <py2zea at gmail.com> wrote:
> Preparing Win-Test for CQ WW SSB at PS2T,
> The Automatic Exchange Guessing feature is basically OK...
> ....But how to drop the leading zero ?
> Example:
> You work W1ABC.
> Program offers zone 05.
> He says he is in zone 3.
> you type "3" > program overwrites only the leading zero and logs "35"
> So, you must always type "03" including the (unnecessary) leading zero.
> It sucks to type these leading zeros when working hundreds of US stations
> whose calls don't correspond to the traditional zone system in USA.
> We would like to have the zone field displayed without the leading zero.
> Then it would be possible to overwrite the zone # by a single digit, as
> needed.
> Is there any parameter in Win-test that we could change?
> Any other solution?
> (PS: It was easier 50 years ago when US stations were in their "correct"
> zones)
> 73 Ville OH2MM, PY2ZEA
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