[WT-support] memory macros for the TS-590
Filipe Lopes
ct1ilt at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 14:33:31 CEST 2011
Hi Bob,
just to inform you that just changing the K3 scripts as you mention works
perfectly on the TS590.
too bad it only has 3 memories :)
73's FIlipe CT1ILT aka CR6K
2011/8/22 Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net>
> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 5:46 AM, Steef PA2A <pa2a at xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> **
>> Is there a way to use the ssb voice memories of the Kenwood TS-590 via
>> macro 's the same way as with the K3? Pressing F1 would then start the
>> recorded message in the transceiver.
> Yes, see this post<http://lists.f5mzn.org/pipermail/support/2011-July/081430.html> from
> three weeks ago.
> Just take the K3 scripts from http://bit.ly/wtscripts and
> modify PlayHalt.wts and PlayM1.wts to PlayM4.wts, changing one line in each,
> (the line with wtRadio:send command) as follows:
> PlayHalt.wts:
> wtRadio:Send("PB0;");
> PlayM1.wts:
> wtRadio:Send("PB1;");
> PlayM2.wts:
> wtRadio:Send("PB2;");
> etc.
> Note: The TS-590 command documentation is somewhat unclear, so if PB1;
> doesn't work, try using PB1000; instead.
> If you can make it work, I will try to modify the K3 scripts so they will
> work with either the K3 or TS-590. I have no TS-590 to test so please do
> try it and let me know.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
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Filipe Lopes CT1ILT aka CR6K
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