[WT-support] Delay (after pressing space bar)

Sante - IK0HBN ik0hbn at libero.it
Sat May 28 03:42:31 CEST 2011

Hi all,
I know it's quite difficult in getting help during the fire...

I have a quite simple setting, keyer is WINKEY USB, version is the 
latest NIGHTY of April 13.
On both RUN and S&P, when I write a call in the log and press the 
spacebar, nothing happens for almost 6/7 seconds: cursor does NOT 
exist in the report field, keyboard frizes and I must send report by 
hand with a keyer, trying to remember the report I got, and write it 
when cursor comes on again.

I notice that even the sound bar of Contest Recorder stops during 
these loooong 6-7 seconds. Useless to disable Contest recording, 
Antivirus has been disabled.

Any idea? I did all (for my situation here) written in the previously 
posted messages about delay, but nothing to do.
Thanks in advance..

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