[WT-support] Bandplan not working

PY2SEX - Alex py2sex at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 14:37:37 CET 2011

Hello all,
I'm on the WPX as SOSBLP(A) on 15m but I decided to go to 10m and change 
my category but I have set the Bandplan to use 10m so I could see the 
SPOTS that I need as mult, but is not working. I have chose 10m SSB only 
saved as band plan and choose to use in the current log but nothing 
happens and when I back to check it looks like nothing was changed or saved.
I basically gave up of contest competition since I need to be yelling to 
be heard and I couldn't setup the win-test as I wish.

Any tip to resolve this issue will be very welcome, maybe I'm doing 
something wrong.

Thanks in advance


PY2SEX, Alex
py2sex at gmail.com
MSN: py2sex at live.com
Skype: PY2SEX
TPA #170

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