[WT-support] Annoying error message in wtDxTelnet

Ville Hiilesmaa py2zea at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 23:37:24 CET 2011

Hello WT-gurus,

Why do we repeatedly get this annoying message?

CEtherNetwork::ReadNetworkData: Error occurred #10054

It appears shortly after we have connected to wtDxTelnet.

We have recently updated to Win-test 4.7.0. It works FB.
Our WT network for 2 stations works OK.
The Cluster info enters Win-test normaly, but why that crazy error message??
You may close it by OK it first but then it cames on over and over
again and you can´t get rid of it any more !!!

Should we also update wtDxTelnet to match WT 4.7.0 ?

I´m confident that that somebody out there can help us...

Ville, OH2MM, PY2ZEA  at PS2T preparing for the Russian contest next weekend

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