[WT-support] WT4 & FT-5000 VFO selection
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Fri Mar 11 01:10:48 CET 2011
Using Omnirig, it might also be possible to create a copy of FT-2000.ini
named FT-2000VFOB.ini, then edit it so that it always does the VFO B
commands instead of the VFO A commands. Then tell Omnirig that Rig 1 is an
FT-2000 and Rig 2 is an "FT-2000VFOB", both using the same COM port.
Win-Test will then treat VFO A as Radio 1, and VFO B as Radio 2, and the
VFOs could be on different bands.
But I'm not sure if Omnirig alone is sufficient; I don't know if it lets you
control two different "rigs" on the same COM port. Instead, you might have
to use something like the microHAM Router program to assign two virtual COM
ports to the same Radio, then configure OmniRig to use the two microHAM
virtual serial ports, one for Rig 1, the other for Rig 2.
Someone highly motivated to make VFOB work more like a second radio (for
SO2V support) should experiment with this and let us know how it works.
Bob, N6TV
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net> wrote:
> What happens when you install and configure OmniRig<http://www.dxatlas.com/omnirig>,
> then change the radio type in Win-Test from FT2000 to OmniRig? Does it work
> any better?
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 3:44 PM, F4DXW <f4dxw at free.fr> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I Have the same problem with my FT2000.
>> Thank you
>> F4DXW Stéphane
>> Le 08/03/2011 08:13, Alan Jubb - 5B4AHJ a écrit :
>> Hi
>> I am just setting my station up for this weekend's RSGB Commonwealth
>> Contest.
>> I am using WT4 version 4.7.0, communicating with my FT5k via a micro KEYER
>> II.
>> If the FT5k is not in SPLIT mode, the band indication in WT4 is the band
>> for the live VFO - that's OK.
>> However, in SPLIT mode, it does the following:
>> If I am running on VFO-B, ie both VFO-B RX & TX and TX lamps illuminated
>> on the 5k, and also have the VFO-A Rx enabled, the band info is again from
>> VFO-B, which is OK.
>> However, if I am running on VFO-A, and the VFO-B Rx is also enabled, WT4
>> takes the band info from VFO-B, which is NOT OK.
>> If I want to operate SO2V, running on VFO-A and also listening (on
>> another band) on VFO-B, I will get my QSOs logged on the wrong band. I would
>> expect WT to take the band info from the VFO that is TXing. Why doesn't it?
>> Is there a setting I can change to fix this?
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> 73
>> Alan 5B4AHJ-5B50J-P3J
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