[WT-support] LUA scripting problems
John Warburton G4IRN
qrz at dxdx.co.uk
Wed Jul 6 19:04:05 CEST 2011
Thanks Bob, I've been trying to work this one out all day but also came
to the conclusion that it probably isn't possible.
Much appreciate your response.
John G4IRN.
On 06/07/11 17:44, Bob Wilson, N6TV wrote:
> John,
> I do not believe there is any way to do this given the current LUA
> API. I asked about it once, and was told that it would be difficult
> to implement given the current architecture.
> However, it sounds like you may be trying to duplicate the function of
> Pass a Station <http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Multi-op/Passing>
> (Alt-D) and the Sked Window
> <http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Menu:Windows#Skeds> (Alt-B). Try it
> and see how you like it.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 5:29 AM, John Warburton G4IRN <qrz at dxdx.co.uk
> <mailto:qrz at dxdx.co.uk>> wrote:
> Hoping that someone out there can help me please:
> I'm writing a script in which I would like to 'gab' the currently
> logged call-sign to another station on the network.
> The $LOGGEDCALL macro looks like it should contain the call-sign,
> but I cannot gab the value it contains.
> Any ideas please?
> I've tried various values of wtGab:Send("$LOGGEDCALL"),
> wtGab:Send($LOGGEDCALL) etc but can't get the actual call-sign
> displayed.
> Maybe I need to try something else?
> Thanks
> John G4IRN.
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