[WT-support] Region 1 ssb field day RSGB

Steve g7vrk at bdxg.co.uk
Wed Aug 31 08:28:30 CEST 2011

Hi all 
I am new to Win-test so please for give my if this has been covered I
have 2 problems in trying to set  Win-test for the up coming contest
(Rgn1 ssb field day)
I have chosen the IARU field day Rgn 1 RSGB  template , is this  correct
as it dose not seem the  score correct 
Its seems to only score mults and points for /p & /m  stations 
Have or chosen the incorrect  contest ?
please see rule 4 And 5 

4. Scoring: For contacts with: 
Fixed stations in IARU Region 1: 2 points 
Stations outside IARU Region 1: 3 points
/P or /M stations in IARU Region 1: 5 points.
IARU Region 1 countries include those in Europe, Africa, USSR, ITU Zone
39 and Mongolia. For a more precise definition refer to the RSGB Amateur
Radio Operating Manual. Points must not be claimed for contacts made by
a competing station with members of its own group.

5. Multiplier: One for each DXCC Country worked on each band


The other problem I have is with the DX cluster 
when using Win-test at home all works fine 
But when I use my mobile phone, as dial up modem   when /p I can connect
to the cluster all works fine in the wtDxTelnet  window  but  I get no
spots to the DX cluster monitor  or the band maps 

Thanks in advance for your help 

73  Steve g7vrk

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