[WT-support] Win-Test and K1EL Winkey

contest at oz0j.dk contest at oz0j.dk
Fri Aug 26 17:11:19 CEST 2011


At OZ8SW I have installed Win-Test and K1EL Winkeyer.

CAT interface is running, but Win-Test is going back to 17 M no matter
with band I choose.

The station is an Yaesu FT-1000MP MK-V and is changing band and frq
without problem from Win-Test and CW is also working.

When I change the band on the radio, Win-Test is not changing.

The setup is:

bits: 4800 (I have tried 2400 and 9600 bits = no go)
data bits: 8
parity: none
stop bit: 2

DTR pin 4: Always ON (also tried Always OF)
RTS pin 7: PTT

If I set a mark in "Don't poll" I have no problem with band switch from
Win-Test to radio, but band switch on radio is not changing Win-Test.

Any suggestions to the setup?

73 OZ0J Jorgen

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