[WT-support] posting of scores
Rick Dougherty NQ4I
nq4i at contesting.com
Mon Apr 25 15:53:15 CEST 2011
Hi Stefan.
"it is done when it is done"
I knew before I sent my email out that it was you, who volunteered to
write a program...I used a "kinder and more gentle"
method rather than state that "DL1ELY had promised us something to the
Win-Test community"..I am interested in some sort of time frame...is
it in the next few weeks? Is it in the next few months? Or is it in
the next few years?
"I do not think it really matters for the important part of your WPX
CW participation to get to know something now"
Wow....how can you say what really matters to me or not? I assure you
that the participation by my team in the WPX CW test is extremely
important. We have been making plans and recruiting operators for the
past 6 months. I have won the WPX CW and SSB tests numerous times in
the past 10 years....and yes it is very important to my team mates and
myself.....so i take contesting very seriously. I was merely hoping
that some progress was happening and that maybe I could take some
comfort that soon a solution would be near?
I have had a number of other serious contestors reply to my email
about the online posting of scores and they too are anxious for
a program. It makes the users of Win-Test look in a different
light...the other logging programs are represented and work on
Getscores...it would be also nie if Win-Test would post scores
also...I have been a very strong supporter of Win-Test since 2005 when
I changed to it.
I hope that you will have some free time to work on the problem
Vy 73
de Rick NQ4I
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 5:01 AM, Dr. Stefan Pfeiffer
<stefan at fam-pfeiffer.de> wrote:
> Rick,
> It is done when it is done...
> I do not think it really matters for the important part of your WPX CW
> participation to get to know something now :-).
> Patience is important :-)
> Vy 73 de DL1ELY
> Am 25.04.2011 04:12 schrieb "Rick Dougherty NQ4I" <nq4i at contesting.com>:
>> Someone posted that he was going to write a score posting program for
>> win-test and the getscores site...anyone know if it is happening??
>> I have wpx cw coming up in a few weeks and would like to post our score.
>> de Rick NQ4I
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